Student Council


The purpose of student government is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out activities and service projects at school. In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community, the Student Council at P.S. 93 is the voice of the student body. The Student Council presents a unique opportunity for young students to learn organization, leadership and teamwork skills and prepares them for later student government positions.

At P.S. 93 the student council positions are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Classroom Representative. The Student Council Officers are made up of 5th graders and voted on by the entire school body. It is their duty to lead the Student Council and work together in making decisions that will benefit the school and community. Their goals include, establishing a spirit of cooperation among the student body, faculty, and administration, establishing an effective system of student representation in school activities and policy and providing the structure for correlation and promotion of all student projects and activities. The Classroom Representatives are from each class from grades 3, 4 and 5 and they hold an important position in the structure of the student government. Each Classroom Representative is elected by students and the teacher from their class. They represent the interests of their class in Student Council’s decision making. The William H. Prescott Student Council represents the voice of our students in all aspects of life at and around our school.